미국의 사진관련 웹진 Photo District News 에 닻북스 관련 기사입니다.2012년 여름에 개최된 전주포토페스티벌 참가하기 위해 한국을 방문한뉴욕의 School of Visual Art 교수, Abby Robinson이 닻프레스에 방문한 후 작성한 닻북스 관련 코멘트입니다. "One other special place was Datz Books—a small printing and binding company that makes truly gorgeous books. Started by Sangyon Joo who received her MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute, the space is handsomely designed (check out the big table) and the mood is serene. You can lose yourself in looking at the current exhibition, sitting quietly and browsing through the library of handmade books. Or you could take a workshop in bookmaking, printing, a darkroom class, or talk to one of the knowledgeable people who work there about making your own book."