영화제작자이자 잡지 Anthem의 시니어 에디터인 Kee Chang의 첫 번째 책입니다. 영화감독과 배우, 창작자들의 말과 사진을 실었습니다. 닻북스에서 디자인과 제작을 진행하였습니다. CICERO© 2019 by Kee ChangPhotographs by Reto Sterchi 2019 / 224pages / 150x210mm / Printed Hardcover / Perfect binding Cicero is a tribute to all the directors, actors, and creative polymaths who have sat down with me for a conversation throughout the years, including Simon Baker, who graces the front and back covers of this book—for our purpose, a surrogate for the Roman orator. The following collection of insights, truths, fears, and untold desires of the dreamers amongst us takes us all the way back to my first-ever interview with Danny Boyle in November of 2008. A few months later, he would take the stage to accept the Best Director Academy Award for Slumdog Millionaire, which was also named Best Picture that year. For a green and impressionable film student, it was thrilling to see the Hollywood machine in procession firsthand. Now a decade has passed of doing the same—2019 a turnstile for my 400th interview—and I pass on what has been relayed to me, in the hopes of inspiring you on your own filmmaking journeys.